Vario Photometer plus


Vario Photometer plus

Duo Photometer plus

Booklet Duo Photometer plus DP 350

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Vario Photometer plus DP 550

One measuring device for all parameters

With the new Vario Photometer plus, all parameters available to Diaglobal can be measured. The main application is performance diagnostics for training control in high-performance sports for the measuring of CK, lactate and urea. However, it is also used in doctors’ practices, emergency laboratories and in areas with a poor infrastructure. An equipment case with additional space for a mini centrifuge ensures better mobility.

Vario Photometer plus DP 550
Size/Weight: 19 × 10 × 5 cm / 0,4 kg
Wavelength: 365 / 520 / 546 nm
Mains or battery (9V) – operated
Photometric inaccuracy: < 0,5 % at A = 1,000

Mini centrifuge DZ 002
Diameter/Weight: 16 cm /1 kg

Dry block heater 37°C DZ 003
Size/Weight: 16 × 10 × 7 cm / 1 kg

Equipment case DK 002
Size/Weight: 45 × 36 × 14 cm / 1,6 kg

Sample material Accessories
Parameter Art. No. Sample volume Capillary/Venous blood Serum Plasma Mini centrifuge Dry block heater
Bilirubin BIL 142 100 μL * *
Bilirubin Neonatal BIL 142 20 μL * * * *
CK (Blood) CK 321 60 μL * * * * *
CK (Serum/Plasma) CK 121 20 μL * * * *
Cholesterol CHO 142 10 μL * * *
HDL-Cholesterol HDL 342 60 μL * * * *
Erythrocytes ERY 142 10 μL *
GOT GOT 442 50 μL * * *
GPT GPT 442 50 μL * * *
Glucose GLU 142 10 μL * * *
Haemoglobin-HiCN HB 142 10 μL *
Haemoglobin-SLS HB 342 10 μL *
Haematocrit HCT 142 10 μL *
Urea HST 321 20 μL * * * *
Uric acid HSR 342 100 μL * *
Kreatinin KRE 121 500 μL * * *
Lactat LAC 142 10 μL * *
Lactat-rapid LAC 342 10 μL * *
Triglycerides TRI 142 10 μL * * *

Vario Photometer plus DP 550

Art. No. Description
DP 550 Vario Photometer plus incl. Power supply and instructions


Art. No. Description
DK 002 Gerätekoffer
DZ 003 Trockenthermostat (37°C)
DZ 002 Minizentrifuge
LH 500 Pipette 500µL
LH 006 Küvettenständer
LH 007 Mikropipetter (Pipettierhilfe)

Test kit

Art. No. Description Content
BIL 142 Bilirubin, Bilirubin neonatal 40 Tests
CK 321 Creatinkinase aus Blut 20 Tests
CK 121 Creatinkinase aus Serum/Plasma 20 Tests
CHO 142 Cholesterin 40 Tests
HDL 321 HDL-Cholesterin 20 Tests
ERY 142 Erythrocyten 40 Tests
GOT 442 ASAT / GOT aus Serum/Plasma 40 Tests
GPT 442 ALAT / GPT aus Serum/Plasma 40 Tests
GLU 142 Glucose 40 Tests
HSR 342 Harnsäure 40 Tests
HST 321 Harnstoff 20 Tests
HCT 142 Hämatokrit 40 Tests
HB 142 Hämoglobin-HiCN 40 Tests
HB 342 Hämoglobin-SLS 40 Tests
KRE 121 Kreatinin 20 Tests
LAC 142 Lactat 40 Tests
LAC 342 Lactat-Rapid 40 Tests
TRI 142 Triglyceride 40 Tests


Art. No. Description Content
LH 026 Kapillaren, 10 µL, Ringmarke 250
LH 029 Kapillaren, 20 µL, Ringmarke 250
LH 028 Kapillaren, 100 µL, Ringmarke 250
LH 038 Kapillaren, 20 µL, end-to-end 100
LH 047 Kapillaren, 50 µL, end-to-end 100
LH 048 Kapillaren, 60 µL, end-to-end 100
LH 037 Microvetten, 200µL, Li-Hep. 100

Control materials

Art. No. Description Content
HEM QS Richtigkeits- und Präzisionskontrolle der Hämoglobin-Bestimmung 5 x 1mL
ERY QS Richtigkeits- und Präzisionskontrolle der ERY- und HCT-Bestimmung 5 x 1mL
LAC QS Lactat-Kontrollset, 2,00 / 4,00 / 10,0 mmol/L 3 x 4mL
GLU QS Richtigkeits- und Präzisionskontrolle der Glucose-Bestimmung 3 x 4mL
BIL QS Richtigkeits- und Präzisionskontrolle der Bilirubin-Bestimmung 20 Tests